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Large smooth-leaved variety with long strong stems. Not curled like other types. Vibrant parsley flavour that is excellent for seasoning soups and other dishes. 74 days.  Seed count 500.


Planting:  Parsley is a biennial, and will overwinter, but it is mostly grown as an annual. Can be slow in germination, doing best in warm, moist soil (60-85 degrees F), with pH of 5.0 to 7.0. Soaking seed in lukewarm water for several hours before sowing is beneficial; some advocate use of boiling water, or freezing seed for a short time. Sow indoors, from late winter to early spring and outdoors in early spring, before last frost. Ensure constant moisture until after germination (may take 3 weeks or more). Thin or space plants at 6 inches apart.

Growing:  Harvest as needed, beginning with large, outer leaves.

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