Straight Eight Cucumber


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Delicious slicing cucumber.  Very long with thin dark skin.  The best tasting, fresh eating cucumber we’ve tried. High yields.  45 days. Seed count 30.


Planting:  Sow indoors 3-4 weeks prior to last frost or direct seed after all risk of frost. For indoor planting use 2 inches square jiffy strip pots and plant 1-2 seeds per square; thin to ensure one plant per pot. Plant seeds 1⁄2-1 inch deep, transplant or space plants 6 inches apart in rows 4-6 feet apart. Plants are tender, so soil should be warm (18-24 degrees C) for germination to begin. If growing on a trellis, space plants 18 inches apart.

Growing:  Cucumbers require full sun and soil pH of 6.0-6.8. As they are heavy feeders, an application of compost or well-rotted manure worked into the planting area will help. Regular applications of a complete soluble fertilizer during the growing season is beneficial. Plants should not be allowed to wilt. Make sure they are well-watered before transplanting. Spread a mulch around plants before they start to vine, to cut down on weeds and conserve moisture. The mulch will also help to keep the fruit clean.

Harvest:  Pick slicing cucumbers when they reach 6-8 inches long; pickling types at 3-5 inches. Keep mature cucumbers picked off the vines to encourage a longer yield. Harvest cucumbers for pickling early in the morning.

Pests & Diseases:  Striped or spotted cucumber beetles can emerge from the soil in spring and nibble on the leaves and stems of emerging plants. The beetles spread a bacterial wilt which causes plants to wilt and die before bearing fruit.

Companions:  Bush bean, cabbage family, corn, dill, eggplant, lettuce, radish, pea, tomato.

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Plant or Seed



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