Purple Top White Globe Turnip. Produces round roots with a purplish-red top and a white bottom. The flesh is quite crisp and mild tasting. Younger leaves are suitable for salads. Heirloom Veg. Seed count 500.
Planting: Sow thinly 1⁄4 -1⁄2 inches deep. Space young plants to 4-6 inches apart in rows 24-30 inches apart. Sow seed as early as the soil can be worked for a mature crop for early market. For the main storage crop, plant in late June or early July, so that roots can develop in the cooler weather. Late plantings are less susceptible to root maggot damage. For an extra early crop, start indoors in April for transplanting in May.
Growing: Full sun and soil pH of 6.5. Moderate feeders; require a deep, loose cultivated soil with medium water retention. Apply generously, compost and well-rotted manure prior to planting. Benefits from regular feedings with a compost tea or fertilizer with higher amounts of phosphorous and potassium for good root development. Boron is a key trace element for the prevention of Brown Heart (water core). (Boron may also be applied separately as a spray 4-6 weeks after planting).
Harvest: When they reach 3 inches in diameter.
Pests & Diseases: Clubroot can develop where turnips or cole crops have been frequently grown and will remain in the soil for 7 or more years. Clubroot thrives in acidic soil, keep the soil pH above 6.0. Practice good crop rotation. Root maggots can be avoided early in the season by covering plants with row covers.
Companions: Onion family, pea.
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