Small Sugar Pumpkin


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Small Sugar pumpkin is one of the best pie varieties we’ve tried.  It has a rich orange flesh packed full of flavour.  At about 7” in diameter it’s still a useful display or small jack-o-lantern pumpkin. 100 days. Heirloom Veg. Seed count 30.


Planting:  Plant after all danger of frost has past and when the soil has warmed to 21 degrees C. Can be started indoors 3-4 weeks ahead of last frost date. Sow 1 seed into jiffy pots, and transplant out after all risk of frost has passed. For early direct plantings, use floating row covers to raise soil temperature, increase early growth and protect tender plants from wind injury. Sow 1 inch deep, 6 inches apart in rows 48-72 inches apart. Thin plants to 24-36 inches apart. Plant vining types at the edge of the garden to prevent the plants from overtaking the entire site. Space bush type plants 24 inches apart in rows 36-48 inches apart.

Growing:  Full sun and soil pH of 5.5-6.5. Moderate feeders; prefer a rich loamy soil of good fertility and moisture retention. Mix plenty of organic matter into soil. Even and sufficient soil moisture is essential. Pumpkins benefit from mild feedings with a fertilizer high in phosphorous to initiate fruit formation.

Harvest:  Harvest before a killing frost or when pumpkins are deep orange in colour. Simply cut from the vine leaving 4-6 inches of stem attached to the fruit. Store in a cool, dry area.

Pests & Diseases:  Striped and spotted cucumber beetles, Powdery mildew. Cold weather can influence fruit set and rainy periods often hamper pollinating insects.

Companions:  Celery, corn, onion, radish.

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Plant or Seed



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