Sugar Sprint Snap Pea (plant)



Bushy compact plant that produces deliciously sweet peas on 3” pods. Nice early Pea with good yields, and high disease resistance. (26” height).  62 days.


Growing:  Full sun to partial shade with soil pH of 6.0-7.0. Light feeders require a well-drained, rich and sandy soil. Work organic matter, including rotted manure or compost into the soil for best results. An application of garden inoculant, either to the soil or to the seeds themselves before planting, can be very beneficial. Even soil moisture is essential especially during flowering and pod set. Use mulch to conserve moisture and keep weeds down.

Harvest:  Harvest when pods are young and tender. Pick regularly to promote continued production.

Pests & Diseases:  Prevent root rot and other plant diseases by regular crop rotation.

Companions:  Carrot, celery, corn, cucumber, eggplant, early potato, radish, spinach, pepper, turnip.

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Plant or Seed


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